Marand software

The open future of BSS

TM Forum created the Open Digital Architecture (“ODA”) to transform business agility, customer experience and operational efficiency by creating simpler IT solutions that are easier and cheaper to deploy, integrate & upgrade.

Why ODA?

ODA addresses numerous Communications Service Providers (CSPs) stakeholders' challenges, concerning primarily revenue growth, cost-efficiency, and risk reduction:


Sales must effectively and efficiently qualify leads, prepare quotes, and finally close deals to meet sales quotas and ensure profit margins.

& marketing

Product development and marketing aim to create and launch attractive offerings fast; to successfully compete with (M)VNOs, OTTs, and cloud-native hyper scalers, telecoms constantly seek for innovative products beyond connectivity, which include 5G, IoT and industry-specific vertical solutions;


Customer care's job is to improve customer experience and net promotor score; to increase staff efficiency, telecoms embrace digital channels and outsource certain tasks directly to customers through mobile apps, selfcare portals, and other means of digital customer engagement;


IT has to support numerous business initiatives and cope with increasing backlogs and overrun project costs and deadlines due to complexity and decades of legacy that is unable to effectively support business requirements of the present day.

Who we are

Marand Software is a customer-centric software development company providing flexible, standard-based products & solutions for communication service providers.

In the past 20 years, Marand has successfully delivered several BSS transformation projects with proven business outcomes for its customers: business enablement, increased agility, reduced complexity, streamlined operations, and world-class customer experience.

Marand positions itself as a vendor of cloud-native ODA components and systems, including unified product catalog, customer management, product inventory management, configure-price-quote, and product ordering.

Our components implement TM Forum’s frameworks, including Information Framework (SID) and Open API. Marand was awarded a gold badge for certified Open APIs.

P A R T Y MAN A GEMENT PR ODU C T ION MAN A GEMENT INTELLIGENCE / INSIGHT MAN A GEMENT OMNICHANNEL ENGAGEMENT MANAGEMENT C ORE C OMME R CE MAN A GEMENT CSR Or der Ent r y Self ca r e P o r tal Mobile App B2B P o r tal Cal l Cen t er App Set - t op B o x App SMS 360 Cust omer / I n v en t o r y D AT A ChumP r e v ention D AT A R e c ommender R e c ommender D AT A Bil ling Bi l ling D AT A In v oicing I n v oicing D AT A Or der Mana g ement D AT A CPQ CPQ D AT A P r oduct I n v en t o r y D AT A P r oduct C a talog D AT A Cust omer Mana g ement

Our products

360 Customer / Inventory

A customer & product inventory management system that accommodates any product defined in the unified product catalog. It enables CSPs to benefit from a 360-degree customer view.

Open API enables integration with systems of customer engagement as well as SaaS cloud applications.

Configure-Price-Quote (CPQ)

Enables sales people to sell more and prepare professional quotes in shorter time. CPQ reduces costs of the sales process as the quoting process is guided using product catalog, customer's previous purchases & subscriptions.

CPQ allows application of competitive discounts while still earning acceptable profit margins. For further cost optimizations, quotes are based on product catalog and product inventory and can be automatically converted into customer product orders.

Product Ordering

Enables CSPs to provision services based on quotes in a completely configurable and catalog-driven manner.

This approach enables business agility and short time-to-market for new products and services.

Unified Product Catalog

A product catalog management system that enables growth through ease of creating product models including 5G, cloud, IoT, and industry-specific offerings developed by the CSP or offered through a partner ecosystem.

UPC saves costs and reduces errors through ease of integration with BSS components and systems of customer engagement and by enabling zero-touch provisioning with service decomposition capabilities.

It shortens time-to-market as it enables tech-savvy product managers to build new product offerings by configuring pre-defined building blocks entirely avoiding lengthy SDLC process.

Open digital

A catalog-driven approach enables flexibility which 78% respondents of a recent TM Forum survey named as a top priority for BSS. Cloud-native microservices design enables elasticity and cost-effectiveness of cloud.

The ODA-based approach with standard components exposing open APIs enables CSPs to implement business functions once and use them across various channels. This significantly reduces OPEX, simplifies maintenance and reduces fallouts and errors.

ODA-based approach also reduces risks when consolidating separate BSS siloes. Packaged business capabilities serve as wrappers around legacy systems and expose functionality through standard APIs.

New systems, such as digital engagement or SaaS cloud applications use standard APIs while the CSP gradually decommissions legacy systems and migrates functionality to new systems.

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